Sunday, April 29, 2007

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Due to the fact that the next Potter movie, HP and the Order of the Phoenix, is about to come out this summer, I decided to reread the Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. It is amazing how much detail you can put out of your mind once a movie comes out. If you have read these books and it's been awhile, read them again. There are theories posted on the HP official website discussing the idea that Harry and Hermonie could actually be brother and first I was sure that wouldn't be a possibility, but as I read the support and examples, I started to think JK Rowling just might do something like that...heck, look what Snape does in Order of the Phoenix! Can't wait to see the movie and to read book 7 Deathly Gallows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed all the books and am somewhat sad that the series is coming to an end.